Current Projects
University Students/ School Librarians AI Literacy and their engagement with AI Tools​​ [see details]
Selected Publications
Hossain, Z., Çelik, Ö., & Hınız, G. (2025). Exploring EFL students’ AI literacy in academic writing: Insights into familiarity, knowledge and ethical perceptions. Kuramsal EÄŸitimbilim Dergisi [Journal of Theoretical Educational
Science], 18(1), 157-181. -
Hossain, Z., Biswas, M. S., & Khan, G. (2025). AI literacy of library and information science students: A study of Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. [Q1]
Hossain, Z., Çelik, Ö., & Hertel, C. (2024). Academic integrity and copyright literacy policy and instruction in K-12 schools: a global study from the perspective of school library professionals. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 20(1), 4. [Q1]
Hossain, Z. (2022). Teacher-librarians as agents of academic integrity education in Australian schools. Synergy, 20 (1).
Hossain, Z. (2022). University freshmen recollect their academic integrity literacy experience during their K-12 years: results of an empirical study. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 18 (4). [Q1]
Hossain, Z. (2021). Copyright Literacy of Library and Information Science Professionals in Bangladesh. IFLA Journal, 47 (1). [Q1]
Hossain, Z. (2020). Connecting policy to practice: How do literature, standards and guidelines inform us about the role of school library professionals in cultivating an academic integrity culture?. Synergy- School Library Association of Victoria, 18 (1).
Hossain, Z., Hashmi, Y., & Mezbah-ul-Islam, M. (2019). ICT Facilities and Literacy in Rural Non-Government Secondary School Libraries of Bangladesh. School Libraries Worldwide, 25 (2). 66-80.
Hossain, Z. (2019). Status of secondary school libraries and librarians in Bangladesh. IFLA Journal, 45 (2). 157-167. [Q1]
Hossain, Z. (2017). What are the leisure choice, reading and library habits of Vietnamese students in the age of Internet?. Social Sciences Information Review, 11 (4), 43-54.
Hossain, Z. (2016). Towards a lifelong learning society through reading promotion: Opportunities and challenges for libraries and community learning centres in Viet Nam. International Review of Education - UNESCO Journal of Lifelong Learning, 62 (2), 205-219. [Q1]
Papers Published in Conference Proceedings
Çelik, O., Barnhardt, B., Fleming, C., Dlabolová, D., Saygı, G., Kennedy, I.G., ... Khan, Z.R. (2023). Academic integrity in school education: Exploring the research landscape. In the Book of Abstract of the 9th European Conference on Ethics and Integrity in Academia 2023 (pp. 49-51). University of Derby, UK.
Hossain, Z., Çelik, Ö. & Hertel, C. (2022). The State of Academic Integrity Education and Policy Development in Primary and Secondary Schools in Europe: A Call for Action. In the Book of Abstract of the European Conference on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism 2022 (pp. 189-194), Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto (FMUP), Portugal.
Hossain, Z. (2021). Academic Integrity Literacy of Students at the Time of Enrollment in Postsecondary Courses: A Study of an Online University. In the Book of abstracts of European Conference on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism 2021 (pp. 33–37). Mendel University in Brno.​​
Hossain, Z. (2019). Status of Non-Government Secondary School Libraries in Bangladesh: A Survey. In J. L. Branch-Mueller (ed.), Proceedings of the 48th Annual Conference of the International Association of School Librarianship and the 23rd International Forum on Research in School Librarianship, (pp. 1-10). Edmonton, Canada: University of Alberta. DOI:
Hossain, Z. (2018). The current situation of secondary school librarians in Bangladesh: A study. In IASL Annual Conference Proceedings. Retrieved from
Hossain, Z. (2018). Towards advancement and accomplishment: My first IASL conference at CSULB. California School Library Association Journal (CSLA Journal-Winter edition), 12/2017.
Hossain, Z. (2018). Journey toward Learning Society: Possibilities and challenges of Viet Nam Libraries. In ATINER Conference Presentation Series No: LIB2016-0047, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece.
Hossain, Z. (2017). Professional Development via Facebook Group: Perception of School Librarians. In IASL Annual Conference Proceedings, pp. 143-157. Retrieved from
Hossain, Z. (2014). Vietnam’s Libraries: A Potential Catalyst for Building a Learning Society. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Libraries, Information and Society (ICOLIS 2014), Dept. of Library and Information Science, University of Malaya, Malaysia.
Book Chapter
Hossain, Z. (2018). A TEACHER-LIBRARIAN WITH A MISSION OF CREATING INFORMATION LITERATE GLOBAL CITIZENS! (Chapter 14). In EFFECTIVE SCHOOL LIBRARIANSHIP Successful Professional Practices From Librarians Around The World (Vol. 2). Edited by Patrick Lo, Heather Rogers and Dickson K.W. Chiu. Apple Academic Press. []
Press Columns
Only a robust school library system can help us build a Digital Bangladesh. Dhaka Tribune (05 Feb. 2019)
Libraries still critical in Google age. The Daily Vietnam News (09 Oct. 2013)
Learning society within reach. The Daily Vietnam News (25 April 2013)